Step 1. Join Step 2. Explore Step 3. Prioritise Step 4. Commit and Plan Step 5. Implement Step 6. Monitor Step 7. Upscale Webinar HE EcoDaLLi Nature conservation and restoration

Webinar: Surfing the Innovation Stream

1st EcoDaLLi webinar(2).png

The webinar in a nutshell

The Mission Ocean and the Mission Charter “Restoring our Waters and Oceans by 2030”, through Innovation Actions and Coordination Support Actions, are fostering innovation for ecosystem restoration in the Danube and Black Sea region: this is giving way to a new wave of best practices and cooperation structures to support more effective ecosystem restoration, while taking advantage of the opportunities offered by a fast-changing world.

In this context, ACTeon and ICLEI are organizing the webinar “Surfing the innovation stream” as a joint initiative of the EcoDaLLi project and the UrbanByNature platform, which will be held on November 19th. During the webinar, experts and innovators will share their real-life experiences with innovative governance structures, data sharing protocols, restoration practices and steps towards upscaling of innovation.


Why to join?

The webinar is open to anyone interested in knowing more about innovation in ecosystem restoration, and be part of this new wave. By applying the steps of the UbN Programme, 1,2 join and explore, 3,4 commit & prioritise, 5,6 implement, maintain and monitor and, finally, 7, replicate, upscale and outscale, we also aim at facilitating cross-collaboration among stakeholders at different levels for promoting and mainstreaming innovation and restoration actions in the entire Danube basin and Black Sea region.

By joining this strategic event, you will learn about:

  • EU Mission Ocean and EcoDaLLi Project main objectives, mission and goals, and funding and collaboration opportunities for stakeholders in the upper, middle, lower Danube and Black Sea region
  • Pathways for innovation in governance structures: multi-level and trans-national cooperation, at each geographical level
  • Relevance of data analysis, data sharing and data processing to understand, commit and prioritise restoration practices
  • Innovation in practice, including different types of practical examples in Danube region and beyond
  • Replication, upscaling and outscaling of actions to move from research to market and real case implementation



  1. Session 1: Context - Mission Ocean and the EcoDaLLi project
    1. Speakers: Nadja Schlichenmaier (SEZ) and Youssef Zaiter (ACTeon)
  2.  Session 2: Innovative governance structures -cooperation at different geographical scales
    1. Speakers: Carme Machi Castaner (ICLEI Europe), Katarina Lenz & Cristina Cuc (EUSDR) and Gergely Hankó (Hungarian Association of Environmental Enterprises)
  3.  Questions and answers - sessions 1 and 2
  4. Session 3: Innovation in practice: different types of innovation and practical experiences from the Danube region and beyond
    1. Speakers: Mamuka Gvilava (GIS and RS Consulting Center GeoGraphic), Jiri Kvapil (CCSS) and Paul Goriup (Nature Bureau Ltd)
  5. Session 4: Upscaling innovation: from the research phase to the market phase
    1. Speaker: Delia Dimitriu (SMS)
  6.  Questions and answers - sessions 3 and 4


Want to be part of this insightful webinar? Register here!


For further doubts or clarifications, please contact: carme [dot] machi-castaner [at] iclei [dot] org ()class="link--inherit"or almut [dot] ballstaedt [at] iclei [dot] org.carme [dot] machi-castaner [at] iclei [dot] org ()

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The UrbanByNature programme is funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union under Grant Agreements No. 730222 and No. 776604. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies within UrbanByNature and in no way reflects the views of the European Union.