UrbanByNature South Eastern Europe Hub Webinar #2: Collaborating with local communities to set NBS goals and priorities
Collaborating with local communities to set NBS goals and priorities
Supported by the CLEVER Cities project, UrbanByNature is continuing capacity building in the South Eastern Europe region!
The second session of the UrbanByNature South Eastern Europe webinar series will focus on step 3 of the UbN methodology which focuses on collaborating with local residents and stakeholders for joint goal setting and prioritization of nature-based solutions that suit the local context. Participants also learn about setting basic and, if possible, also specific indicators that relate to their city’s specific needs and resources. Sean Bradley from Groundwork London will introduce digital co-creation tools developed under the CLEVER Cities project and reflect on trust building with local communities as a prerequisite for joint priority setting. Adding practical experience from the region, Barbara Goličnik from the Slovenian Urban Planning Institute will share Slovenian policy-making efforts, experience on behavioral observations and mapping for co-creating NBS in public spaces as well as lessons learned on defining soft NBS indicators for end-users under the ConnectingNature project.
During the webinar, participants will have the opportunity to share their experiences and address questions to the webinar speakers:
- Sean Bradley, CLEVER Cities Programme Manager, Groundwork London
- Barbara Goličnik Marušić, Head of Research, Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (UIRS)
The webinar will be moderated by Ana Mitić-Radulović, President of the Management Board, Centre for Experiments in Urban Studies - CEUS
See the agenda to learn more.
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Date: 6 September
Time: 3-4 PM CEST
Platform: Zoom
Language: English / Serbian
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The UrbanByNature programme is funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union under Grant Agreements No. 730222 and No. 776604. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies within UrbanByNature and in no way reflects the views of the European Union.