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The global programme for

urban nature pioneers

is expanding its current scope of action

Our networks... Can I join an active hub?

As a facilitated capacity-building programme, UrbanByNature is promoting exchange among cities, researchers, SMEs and NGOs to build bridges with the Nature-Based Solutions communities across Europe, Asia, Latin America, and other interested regions. And the hubs created by 2021, remain active after the conclusion of their respective training series. Participation is open and free of charge with new opportunities coming up regularly for other regions worldwide.

Each hub kicked off with a main webinar series covering the 7 steps of the UrbanByNature methodology. All hubs remain active after the conclusion of their respective webinar series, with follow-up events and learning opportunities that regularly came up regularly. In Brazil, the Caucasus and Korea, the UrbanByNature webinar series concluded in 2021, and the course content can be accessed on-demand via the hub pages of this website. The Chinese stream concluded in February 2022, and the programme of our hubs in Latin America, South Eastern Europe, Spain, Flandres and Scotland began on that year as well.

We don't want to stop our hubs communities' activism there, and we are in an expansion moment for reactivating the work and strengthen the collaboration that had initiated through these programs. UrbanByNature is expanding its scope of action, and the hubs play a crucial role for this.

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Girl looking at city from above

Image from Unsplash by Andrew Haimerl

Benefits and target audiences

  • Exchange with global cities on ambitions, processes, policies, financing options and business approaches on how to solve urban development challenges through urban nature
  • Learn how to plan and implement urban green and blue interventions for and with citizens
  • Gain access to tools, methods and approaches that support the planning and implementation of nature-based interventions
  • Access the programme materials anytime, anywhere and be notified of new learning opportunities and events by subscribing to our UrbanByNature newsletter
  • And much more!


See all the benefits

Our Methodology

The UrbanByNature programme builds on relevant urban greening methodologies such as the Green Climate City programme and the Green City Action plan methodology for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

Our curriculum reflects a co-creative approach, in which not only principles and methods are shared, but participants work together to actively engage in making cities and towns more resilient towards urban challenges and in transforming their neighbourhoods.

Learn all the details


Regional Hubs

UrbanByNature has now been launched in five regional hubs worldwide: Brazil, Korea, the Caucasus, China and Spain. New hubs are foreseen in Flandres, Scotland, Latin America and South Eastern Europe.


Join the programme!

Become part of our vibrant network of urban greening pioneers by joining the UrbanByNature community! To receive updates on webinars and events, fill in the registration form.

Register for UrbanByNature


"Cities and towns are bearing the brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has made the links between human and planetary health clearer than ever. By creating a space for in-depth reflection on the relationship between humans and the environment, and for sharing solutions to restore nature while addressing critical urban challenges, UrbanByNature allows urban practitioners across the world to cooperate in building spaces that value nature as the central source of human well-being."

Holger Robrecht, Deputy Regional Director for Sustainable Resources, Climate and Resilience, ICLEI Europe

Holger Robrecht headshot

"The ancient Chinese theory that man is an integral part of nature holds more truth than ever amid a time when COVID-19 continues to surge across the world. As the share of the population residing in cities increases in all regions, there is an increasing need for urban decision-makers and citizens to adopt policies and practices to integrate nature into daily life. The ICLEI East Asia Secretariat is excited to facilitate the knowledge and expertise exchange between China and Europe, through UrbanByNature, in mainstreaming nature-based solutions into urban development."

Shu Zhu, Regional Director & China Representative, ICLEI East Asia

Shu Zhu, ICLEI East Asia Regional Director & China Representative

“With initiatives like the launch of this Hub, A Coruña is trying to be a leader in the fight against climate change. In the past, we have been hard hit by environmental catastrophes such as the sinking of oil tankers, and we are now facing an increasingly adverse climate. Being one of the cities that lead the way for the mainstreaming of NBS in Europe and in Spain is a huge opportunity, and we want to be up to the challenge."

Esther Fontán, Third Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Environment and Sustainability in the City of A Coruña

Esther Fontán, third Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Environment and Sustainability in the City of A Coruña

"The Mentoring Programme delivered by UrbanByNature and Osmos in Brazil was very well structured, organised and flexible. It used practical experiences from competent European counterparts to illustrate sound approaches to the implementation of private, governmental and community-based NBS initiatives. It keeps inspiring us all months after the completion of the programme!"

Guilherme Castagna, Founding Partner - Fluxus Design Ecológico

Guilherme Castagna, Founding Partner - Fluxus Design Ecológico


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Our partners

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The UrbanByNature programme is funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union under Grant Agreements No. 730222 and No. 776604. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies within UrbanByNature and in no way reflects the views of the European Union.