Step 4. Commit and Plan
Learn how to foster commitment to common goals for urban nature and develop an action plan for your intervention, helping to get closer to the long-term vision of bringing nature back to your city.
Get support in convincing local decision and policy-makers to commit to common goals. This step facilitates outlining an action plan, in which priority topics and intervention areas are developed together with citizens, responsibilities are assigned, and feasibility is accounted for as far as possible.
The modules of this step programme are dedicated to gaining commitment and setting out the planning process. The programme lends support to the development of a more concrete action plan and experts share how to develop financing, business and governance models for your planned nature-based interventions.

Our partners

The UrbanByNature programme is funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union under Grant Agreements No. 730222 and No. 776604. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies within UrbanByNature and in no way reflects the views of the European Union.