SAVE THE DATE: Launch Urban by Nature Hub Flanders and Nature Tissue House
As part of the Connecting Nature Impact Summit on Thursday, April 28th, the session ‘Launch UrbanByNature Hub Flanders’ will launch the UrbanByNature Hub Flanders in collaboration with Flemish Agency of Nature and Forestry in Genk. The hub will develop as a regional network focusing on 'nature tissue planning, a co-creative approach to making, managing, and safeguarding urban spaces.’ The focus of the launch will be on ‘'nature tissue plans’ with the Genk Stiemerhub as a showcase. The session will be in Flemish.
Keynote: ‘NatureTissuePlan’ - Horizontal regional collaboration on naturetissuedevelopment with the Stiemerhub in Genk as case study. Panel: • Pieter Van den Broeck, Professor at KULeuven • Gert De Keyser (CTLF regisseur stedelijke natuur VL, ANB) • Liesbet Huybrechts, Postdoctoral researcher, UHasselt • Véronique Claessens, director of department Environment, city of Genk • Sofia Saavedra Bruno Complex Projects Manager @ ORG Permanent Modernity & Postdoctoral researcher KU Leuven & Supersudaca
Moderator: Toon Luypaert, Strategic policy counsellor at the Flemish Agency for Nature and Forestry
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The UrbanByNature programme is funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union under Grant Agreements No. 730222 and No. 776604. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies within UrbanByNature and in no way reflects the views of the European Union.